Monday 23 January 2012

Learning to design for games

Hi, this is arabel, I'm doing pixel art-style graphics for the game, which is pretty darn neat.

I've never designed for a game before, so deciding the tackle it as pixel art is kind of ambitious - I know I could have done it as vector art, and it would have been slightly easier to put everything together without drawing every frame individually.  But I thought that it was really important that the game have pixel art - it's a look that I think really suits what we're doing, and honestly even though it's more work, it's actually a lot of fun.

So far I think the hardest thing has been coming to terms with the fact that making games graphics is an iterative process - I don't have to hand over completed, fully polished art first thing, it's better to do a draft and develop it in-game as we go.  It took a bit of getting used to, and I'm still pretty sure I'm giving stuff that's more finished than it needs to be, but I'll get there.

I'll try to record sketches and some more of my ideas and experiences as I go, to document what it's like making a game for the first time for me.  Hope y'all enjoy!

Saturday 3 December 2011

Working to Completion

The first title that I am working on is a local multiplayer title that revolves around reaction times.

I have a fond memory of playing Kirby samurai, one of the minigames that was part of the Kirby Superstar game for the SNES.

The basic mechanics of this game was perfect for a first title to work onto completion. As with many developers out there I have fallen into the trap of getting very enthusiastic about a game concept, making it to a prototype stage, losing interest and moving onto the next thing that interests me.

To break this cycle I have decided to develop a game that is basic yet fun.

Hopefully I will have more to share next time I post.